New Blog!!


My new blog is finally done, please come and see my latest work at
Thanks ,

Miss A...

I had so much fun  taking the pictures of this sweet little girl, she was all smiles and very concentrated on posing for the camera. She wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up, but unlike a lot of other kids that want to be veterinarians, she is especially interested in taking care of reptiles, yes, reptiles !! Taking care of snakes, lizards and turtles ( she is a brave little one). She is was also very excited about he upcoming baptism, and all of her friends and family that are coming to enjoy and support her on this special day with her.


This is my beautiful baby sister, she just  graduated from college. She came to visit this summer and wanted me to take her pictures. With  all the running around town we left the pictures for the last day. Because I took my sweet time doing her make up and dolling her up like a big sister should do, we almost ran out of day light. It  ended up being perfect time of the day and we had a great time.
Te amo mucho Claudia, espero que no te haya turturado tanto peinandote y maquillandote y haciendo que te cambiaras en el carro, jejeje.


Ricardo and Rachel

Mr. B

The Gibbens

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